Thursday, May 16, 2013

Globalization and Education--A Bullet(ed) Report


Global Education and Globalization

What is Globalization?
   Ø  Globalization refers to the growing integration of economics worldwide through the increase in trade,    investment flows, and technology transfer. It means that there is an elimination of global barriers to cultural exchange as well as communication.

What are the functions of Globalization?
   Ø  Globalization has many functions: first is to link individuals and institutions across the world; to intensify interdependence; spread freedom, higher living standards and sense of international relatedness.

What is Global Education?
   Ø  According to James Becker, “Global Education is the idea of a school curriculum that has a worldwide  standard of teaching and learning. It is an effort to help individuals to see the world as a single and global system and to see themselves as participants of that system.”
   Ø  Global Education is an education that opens people’s eyes and minds to the realities of the globalized world and awakens them to bring about a world of greater justice, equity and Human Rights for all. It is also focused on learning for our global society.

What are the functions of global education?
   Ø  Global Education aims to extend the student awareness of the world by opening them to the diverse heritage of human thoughts, actions and creativity. It seeks to prepare children to work together in an international marketplace. It also has many functions namely: to nurture the higher order cognitive and interpersonal skills required for problem finding, problem solving, articulating arguments and deploying verifiable facts.

What are the demands of globalization?
·        Improvement in the quality of education
·        Increases in the quantity of graduates and other outputs
·        Efficiency in the way universities are managed
·        Graduates with a global outlook

How can we globalize education?
    Ø  Global education will be possible by internationalizing the education system.

Isn’t globalization similar with internationalization? Where does the difference lies?
Globalization and internationalization are related but not the same thing.
   Ø  Globalization is the context of economic and academic trends that are part of the reality of the 21st century.
   Ø  Internationalization includes the policies and practices undertaken by academic systems and institutions—and even individuals—to cope with the global academic environment. The motivations for internationalization include commercial advantage, knowledge and language acquisition, enhancing the curriculum with international content, and many others.

Internationalization of Education
   Ø  “Internationalization of education is the process of integrating an international/intercultural dimension into the teaching, research and service functions of the institution.” (Jane Knight, 1999)

Purpose of the internationalization of higher education (ILO/WTO 2007 Report)
   Ø  “to produce graduates who have the ability to be an active part in a globalized society, able to communicate effectively in terms of linguistic skills, technological skills and skill to deal with different institutions and cultures, and are internationally competitive.”

What makes a university international?
   Ø  “It is the presence of a clear institution-wide positive attitude toward understanding better other cultures and societies, learning more about the political and economic interconnectedness of humankind, a genuine desire to understand the major issues confronting the human and ecological survival of planet earth and to learn how to cooperate with others across national and cultural boundaries in seeking solutions to worlds problems, irrespective of one’s own academic course of studies, career, profession or station in life. Where such a positive international institutional attitude exists, it inevitably translates itself gradually in the curriculum and the overall university’s international, intercultural ethos.” (Maurice Harari, 1997)

How can we internationalize the education system?
There are international strategies dealing with internationalization of education:
   Ø  Cross-border education 
   Ø  Internationalizing curriculum

To go deeper...
   Ø  Cross-border education
·        Student mobility
-   Students cross borders to receive foreign education.
-   Trends:
1.      Bright students from developing countries cross over to study in the world’s best universities.
2.      China and India are biggest exporters of students.
3.      US, Great Britain, France, Germany and Australia are favorite destinations.
4.      In Asia, Japan is most popular destination.
5.      Choice of country and university are influenced by:
a.      Perceived quality and reputation of university/education system
b.      Geography
c.      Historical connections to particular countries
d.      Language
e.      Affordability
f.       Accessibility
g.     Possibility of subsequent migration

·        Program or institution mobility
-        Program or institution crosses borders.

·        Professor mobility
-        Professors cross borders.

   Ø  Internationalizing the Curriculum
·        Offering courses with international dimension

Prepared by:
Salazar, Janie J

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